Jackson Jambalaya – Desoto Legislators acting like cry-babies
The “Community Editor” for the Desoto Times published an article reporting several Desoto legislators complain Jackson hates Desoto County:
“JACKSON — Legislation coming out of the State Capitol in Jackson is squarely aimed at undermining the state’s fastest growing and academically high achieving school system as punishment for helping to defeat charter school legislation last year.
That’s the view of several DeSoto County lawmakers battling a flurry of bills coming out of both legislative chambers in Jackson.
In addition to charter school legislation which might siphon funds away from public education, to floating the possibility of appointed rather than elected school superintendents, legislation is being hurled in DeSoto County’s direction with the force of heat-seeking missiles, according to members of DeSoto County’s legislative delegation.
Let me see…. your legislators get on Facebook and BRAG how they stood up to the Republicans and educational reform efforts. Your Mayor and Board of Aldermen in Southaven are out of control. Your Superintendent has decided to assume control of all education in Mississippi despite the fact he is a locally elected superintendent who forgets his place and tries to rise above station. Kuykendall would seek favor with legislature as forced loss upon one Senator and tried to gain victory for another just a few moons ago in a race that saw much coin flow towards election.
Jackson Jambalaya