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AP Analysis: New Miss. laws affect...

AP Analysis: New Miss. laws affect everyday life

By: Magnolia Tribune - May 14, 2012

Analysis: New Miss. laws affect everyday life

People in Mississippi will be able to buy stronger beer and get quicker access to marriage licenses. Residents might have to show a photo ID before voting. Students will pay more to earn a university degree.

These are just some of ways everyday life will be affected by decisions Mississippi legislators made during the 2012 session. For example:

— Senate Bill 2878, which becomes law July 1, allows the sale of beer with alcohol content of up to 8 percent by weight, above the current 5 percent limit. A group called Raise Your Pints lobbied for the change for three years, saying thousands of Mississippians have been driving to surrounding states to buy craft beers that aren’t available here.


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.