Palazzo, Wicker say Taliban using Quran-burning as excuse for violence
“just last month, we buried a Marine from Greenville, Mississippi and it was an Afghan soldier who turned on him, a trusted associate,” said Congressman Steven Palazzo. “This is getting outrageous. One thing, we should never apologize. We know for a fact that they were passing code through these Qurans. This is just an excuse to inflict harm upon Americans,” Palazzo said.
“This is being done by our enemies, by the Taliban, by the people who are using this Quran-burning as an excuse to inflame the local population,” said Sen. Roger Wicker. “It’s not being done by run-of-the-mill people, it’s being done by people who are looking for an excuse to say something bad and stir people up against the Americans,” Wicker said.
Palazzo and Wicker attended a monthly law enforcement luncheon in Purvis Friday.