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Bryant improves ‘state of the...

Bryant improves ‘state of the state’

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 24, 2012

Bryant improves ‘state of the state’

During his first State of the State Address to the Mississippi Legislature at 5:30 p.m. today, Gov. Phil Bryant may not take credit for already improving the political climate in the Magnolia State. But he could.

Bryant has done an admirable job of dealing with the pardon controversy departing Gov. Haley Barbour left on the doorsteps of the Governor’s Mansion.

Bryant’s first notable action was to ensure that all information requested by Attorney General Jim Hood, the only Democrat holding statewide elective office, pertaining to Barbour’s pardons was made available. Bryant could have stymied Hood’s efforts by deferring to Barbour, a fellow Republican. By not fueling partisan passions, Bryant placed the principle of transparency in government above the politics of obfuscation.

Sun Herald

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