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Joint Legislative Budget Committee...

Joint Legislative Budget Committee Schedule

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 7, 2011



Monday, September 19, 2011
1:30 p.m. JLBC Discussion – Hearing Procedures

1:45 p.m. Personnel Board – Overview Report for FY 2013
Ms. Lynn Fitch, Director

2:15 p.m. Supreme Court of Mississippi
Chief Justice William (Bill) Waller, Jr., Chief Judge Joe Lee, Mr. Hubby Saunders, Mr. Kevin Lackey, Mrs. Carol Allgood

Supreme Court Services
Continuing Legal Education
Admin. Office of Courts
Court of Appeals
Bar Admissions
Trial Judges

3:00 p.m. Break

3:15 p.m. Gaming Commission
Mr. Allen Godfrey, Mrs. Shelly LeGrand

3:35 p.m. Institutions of Higher Learning

Introduction – General Support
Dr. Hank Bounds, Commissioner and Ms. Robin Robinson, Board President

FY 2013 Budget Request Details and Priorities

Executive Officers

Dr. Hank Bounds, Commissioner

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

9:00 a.m. Briefing

10:00 a.m.Revenue Discussion
Dr. Darrin Webb, Commissioner Ed Morgan
10:30 a.m. Revenue, Mississippi Department of
Commissioner Ed Morgan, Mr. Randy Ladner, Mrs. Cindy Wood

License Tag
Homestead Exemption Reimbursement

11:00 a.m. Break

11:15 a.m. BP Oil Spill – General Fund Cost Recovery
Mr. Richard Harrell (DEQ), Mr. Mike Womack (MEMA)

1:30 p.m. Attorney General’s Office
Attorney General Jim Hood, Mr. Robert Kersh

Status of Women

2:00 p.m. Corrections, Department of
Commissioner Chris Epps, Mr. Emmitt Sparkman, Mr. Jerry Williams, Mr. Rick McCarty

Parole Board
Private Prisons
Farming Operations
Regional Facilities
Medical Services
Reimbursement Local

3:00 p.m. Break

3:15 p.m. Mental Health, Department of
Mr. Edwin LeGrand, Mr. Glynn Kegley

Hudspeth Regional Center
Central Office
Mississippi Adolescent Center
Service Budget
Mississippi State Hospital
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prg.
North Mississippi Regional Ctr.
Boswell Regional Center
North Mississippi State Hospital
Ctrl. MS Residential Ctr.
South MS Regional Center
East Mississippi St. Hosp.
South Mississippi State Hospital
Ellisville St. School/Farm
Specialized Treatment Facility

4:15 p.m. Medicaid, Division of
Dr. Bob Robinson, Mrs. Margaret King

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

9:00 a.m. Briefing

9:15 a.m. Agriculture and Commerce, Department of
Commissioner Lester Spell, Mr. Ricky Gray

Beaver Control Program
Egg Marketing Board

9:45 a.m. Insurance Department
Commissioner Mike Chaney, Mr. Mark Haire,Mrs. Kim Peagler, Mrs. Lee Anne Robinson

10:30 a.m. Break

10:45 a.m. Health, Board of
Dr. Mary Currier, Mr. Mike Lucius, Ms. Hope Ladner

1:30 p.m. Public Service Commission
Commissioner Lynn Posey (Chairman), Commissioner Leonard Bentz, Commissioner Brandon Presley, Mr. Brian Ray, Mr. Joel Bennett

No Call Telephone Solicitation

2:00 p.m. Mississippi Development Authority
Mr. Leland Speed, Mr. Brian Daniel

2:45 p.m. Break

3:00 p.m. Human Services, Department of
Mr. Don Thompson, Mr. Earl Walker

Community Services
Support Services
Economic Assistance/TANF
Aging and Adult Services
Family and Children Services
Boys and Girls Clubs
Social Services Block Grant
Child Support Enforcement
Youth Services
Children and Youth

3:30 p.m. Finance and Administration, Department of
Mr. Kevin Upchurch, Mr. Rick Snowden, Mr. Flip Phillips,Ms. Rita Wray, Mrs. Sandra Lohrisch

Tort Claims Board
State Building Insurance
Finance and Administration – Bureau of Building,Mr. Rick Snowden
Finance and Administration – Insurance,Mrs. Teresa Planch, Mr. Richard Self

Thursday, September 22, 2011

9:00 a.m. Briefing

9:15 a.m. Public Employees’ Retirement System
Mrs. Pat Robertson, Mr. Bob Rhoads, Mr. Greg Gregory

Computer Project

9:45 a.m. Public Safety, Department of
CommissionerAlbert Santa Cruz, Mr. Mark Valentine, Mrs. Amy Carruth

Emergency Telecommunications
Highway Safety Patrol
Homeland Security
Support Services
Juvenile Fac. Monitoring Unit
Council on Aging
Law Enforce. Training Academy
Cnty. Jail Stds. and Tng.
Law Enforcement Stds. and Tng.
Crime Lab
Narcotics Bureau
State Medical Examiner
Public Safety Planning

10:15 a.m. Break

10:30 a.m. Education, Department of
Dr.Tom Burnham, Mr. Charles McClelland (Board Chairman), Mr. Claude Hartley, Mr. Todd Ivey, Mrs. Gracie Sanders

General Education Prgs.
Vocational and Technical Educ.
Chickasaw Interest
Schools for the Blind and Deaf
MS Adequate Educ. Prg.

1:30 p.m. Secretary of State
Mr. Delbert Hosemann, Mrs. Karana Carroll

2:00 p.m. Community and Junior Colleges
Dr. Eric Clark, Mr. Bubba Hudspeth (Board Chairman), Dr. Scott Elliott, Dr. Clyde Muse, Mrs. Deborah Gilbert


3:00 p.m. Break

3:15 p.m. Regular Joint Legislative Budget Committee Meeting

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.