In a study commissioned by the Entergy Regional State Committee (ERSC), MISO market participants said they found “significant improvement” in nearly every category by joining MISO as a regional transmission organization (RTO), compared with non-RTO membership. Across the board, participants rated the MISO stakeholder process effective.
“What these results show is that we listen and respond to issues that are important to our members and those who regulate them,” said Wayne Schug, Executive Director of Stakeholder Engagement and Strategic Planning. “We’re pleased with the results but, more importantly, we believe the stakeholder satisfaction provides a strong signal to Entergy’s regulators that their input will be valued as Entergy integrates into the MISO region.”
ESPY Energy Solutions conducted the survey and presented the results to the ERSC in a meeting today in New Orleans. The ERSC is comprised of state regulators from all of Entergy’s service territory in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and the City of New Orleans.
In the MISO service territory, responses were received from all sectors, including state regulators, investor-owned utilities, municipal and cooperative utility providers, power marketers and brokers, independent power producers and others. The survey was directed at market participants of both MISO and Southwest Power Pool (SPP).
The survey showed that stakeholders believe MISO makes decisions in a way that balances the needs of all of its market participants. Since 2005, MISO has been surveying its customers and publishing the results on the company’s website. The conclusions reached by the ESPY survey are also consistent with MISO’s strategic goal of improving stakeholder outreach.
“Entergy has made a business decision to join MISO based on our ability to provide important benefits to their customers – lower costs, improved reliability and additional independent oversight of their transmission and generation assets,” said John Bear, MISO’s President and CEO. “This survey confirms that the work Entergy and MISO have undertaken to fully integrate into MISO will bring MISO’s Cornerstones – operational excellence, effective communication and customer service – into Entergy’s service territory.”
MISO Press Release