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Former primary candidate Sean Corcoran...

Former primary candidate Sean Corcoran endorses Charles Barbour in SD 25 runoff

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 16, 2011

Statement of Sean Corcoran, former Republican candidate for MS State Senate District 25

I ran for the State Senate because I wanted to use my conservative values to make a difference at the State Capitol. I operate a small business in Madison County and believe our children deserve to be represented by someone who can get things done and, most importantly, has demonstrated they are a person of integrity. That’s why I am endorsing Lt. Col. Charles Barbour to represent District 25 in the State Senate.

In a campaign, you get to know your fellow candidates and see what sort of character they have. I have been impressed with Charles. He and I share a military background and we both demonstrated in our campaigns that we know how to keep our word. I am pleased to endorse Charles and urge others to vote for him to represent District 25 in the Senate.

Sean Corcoran Press Release

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