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MIM – Thursday Observations From...

MIM – Thursday Observations From Neshoba

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 29, 2011

Thursday Observations From Neshoba

PHILADELPHIA- Political speaking ended today with a large crowd present to see Haley Barbour’s last speech as supporters wore shirts and waved signs that said “Thanks Haley.” Barbour’s speech was traditional Barbour, touching on many of his administration’s accomplishments of the past eight years and a look into the future. Barbour would say there are some really good candidates running for governor, and that was as far as he went in that regard.

About speeches from those who will be on the ballot next Tuesday:

** The four main candidates for governor spoke just before Barbour. Again, not a whole lot new from anybody with the same campaign themes we have been hearing. Phil Bryant brought the largest crowd, gave his stump speech, and certainly thrived in the environment. Dave Dennis brought up a couple issues directly related to Bryant like Miss America and NASCAR, but never mentioned his name. But for the most part Dennis emphasized his private sector background as a contrast to Bryant’s. Bryant, for his part, defended his career in office and there were no fireworks.

Majority in Mississippi

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