July 18, 2011–The Billy Hewes Campaign for Lt. Governor released the following statements regarding the differing records between Senator Hewes and his opponent when it comes to government spending:
“Senator Hewes was among the first to sign on and help establish our states’s Rainy Day Fund when first elected to the Senate,” said Hewes Spokesman Keith Plunkett. “He has fought and voted against hundreds of bills that would have irresponsibly placed a heavy debt burden on future generations, including a $400 million package earlier this year. We need experience in the Lt. Governor’s office to know the difference between legislation that creates jobs, and legislation that creates debt that only benefits special interests. Senator Hewes’ experience of knowing the difference has been an immeasurable asset. He has a record of trustworthiness from 20 years of working for the people of this state.
By comparison, our opponent has rarely met a debt package he didn’t support.”
Not Telling The Whole Story
“Tate Reeves criticizes the legislature and Governor Barbour for issuing bonds and ignores his own role in the creation of that same debt. He voted ‘Yes’ 99% of the time as a member of the bond commission. That doesn’t sound like someone who wants voters to know the truth about his record.”
Taking Credit For The Work Of Others
“Tate claims to have had a role in controlling state spending, when as State Treasurer he has no control over the state budget at all. That’s the role of the legislature. He would have Mississippians believe improvements were all his doing. The improvements Reeves talks about over the last 8 years have come as a result of Governor Barbour’s leadership and the Republicans taking over the Senate — at the same time Senator Hewes became a member of the Legislative Budget Committee.”
Shameless Self Promotion
“Reeves spent $2.3 million dollars of parents’ and grandparents’ money from the Pre Paid College Tuition Program on self serving advertisements. Money that should have been invested. That doesn’t sound like someone who understands about how difficult a task parents have in educating their children.”
Pointing Fingers
“Reeves has tried to paint himself as an outsider when in fact, he has received a full time government check for most of his adult life.”
Can’t Have It Both Ways
“Reeves criticizes the state’s policy on vehicles, saying we have too many. It’s an easy target, but he fails to mention that the legislature instituted a fleet management policy years ago which has yielded savings and more accountability. The Treasurer’s office doesn’t have a fleet of vehicles, but that hasn’t stopped Reeves from hiring his own personal driver — bought and paid for by the taxpayers of Mississippi. That doesn’t sound much like someone interested in reducing waste.”
Pay to Play?
“Reeves oversaw the payout of $48 Million in taxpayer funded fees to his buddies and then received $400,000 in campaign contributions from them. That doesn’t sound much like someone interested in watching out for anyone, but himself.”
Refuses To Talk Issues
“Reeves prefers to lay back and throw out innuendo and blame without coming before Mississippians and debating the issues. He has refused to debate. His handlers are keeping him hidden for fear he might have to answer some serious questions. The voters are finding out that Reeves can’t be trusted. His mismanagement of taxpayers money has been well documented. It’s not opinion, it’s fact. Tate Reeves needs to come clean and tell us the truth.
When it comes to good stewardship of tax dollars, the choice of candidates is very clearly Billy Hewes. He has the honesty, record and experience we can trust.”
Hewes Campaign Release