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Ronnie Shows – Don’t Write...

Ronnie Shows – Don’t Write Obama Off

By: Magnolia Tribune - December 8, 2010

Don’t Write Obama Off

If you were to read the headlines these days, it would appear that President Barack Obama has no chance at a second-term in the White House. Pundits and political experts keep saying that his “coalition is eroding” and that the liberal base is “abandoning the president” over his tax cut deal. Personally, I find all these predictions to be premature.

Just two years ago, when the President was elected and Democrats made even more gains in Congress, all of these same political pundits and experts were writing off the GOP. In the fall of 2008, no one on CNN, MSNBC or even Fox News was saying that Republicans would make historic gains in 2010. In other words, in politics, two years is an eternity and President Obama has a long time to right the ship and win reelection.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.