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LTE – Gene Taylor should run for...

LTE – Gene Taylor should run for a Senate seat

By: Magnolia Tribune - November 22, 2010

Gene Taylor should run for a Senate seat

The Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act would have created jobs in this country by giving tax relief to businesses that create jobs here, and ended loopholes that encourage corporations to move jobs overseas.

In September, Sen. Thad Cochran and Sen. Roger Wicker both voted to block this bill. In other words they voted to keep sending our jobs and businesses overseas. Gene Taylor has always supported keeping our jobs and business here at home. Gene Taylor is a stand-up guy and would well represent the people of Mississippi in the U. S. Senate. Hopefully he’ll run for the job.

Lew Smith


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.