Daily Journal – Political claims not what they seem
In one ad released by Democratic incumbent Travis Childers, a female voice slams Republican challenger Alan Nunnelee for having raised taxes in a recession and claims he’ll hit residents with another whopper if elected.
“Now Alan Nunnelee favors a 23 percent sales tax hike on Mississippi families,” the voice says. “Higher taxes on everything like medicine, cars, gas, groceries and guns.”
A Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee followed up with a similar ad, accusing Nunnelee of the same things.
The National Republican Congressional Committee hit back with its own spot, saying Childers “voted for Obama’s failed stimulus plan and added $1.9 trillion to our debt limit.”
An ad by Nunnelee’s campaign also criticized Childers for having “voted for higher taxes on small businesses that kill our jobs.”
Here is a closer look at the messages.
Nunnelee on taxes
The Democrats’ claim that Nunnelee favors a 23 percent sales tax hike is a tactic borrowed from the national playbook. Similar ads have run in congressional districts across the country, accusing other GOP candidates of the same thing.
Read more: NEMS360.com – Political claims not what they seem