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Paul Johnson stays true to...

Paul Johnson stays true to triple-option

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 22, 2010

Paul Johnson stays true to triple-option

ATLANTA — Even after Paul Johnson directed Georgia Southern to back-to-back Division I-AA national championships in 1999 and 2000, he was told his triple-option, spread offense would never work at the Division I-A level.
Even after Johnson took over Navy’s moribund program in 2002 and guided the Midshipmen to five consecutive winning seasons and bowl games from 2003 to ’07, he was told his gimmick offense would never succeed in a BCS conference.
And now, even after Johnson won 20 games in his first two seasons at Georgia Tech, including an 11-3 record and ACC championship in 2009, his success is regarded as the flash-in-the-pan type by some critics.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.