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YP – Will Haley Barbour be...

YP – Will Haley Barbour be approached about being drafted as the next RNC chairman?

By: Magnolia Tribune - April 7, 2010

There have been several stories in the last few days about Michael Steele being on the ropes as RNC chair. From folks I have talked to, it’s not been that Steele has done that bad of a job representing the party . . . it’s that the RNC hasn’t executed to the level it should based on the tremendous amount of voter dissatisfaction there is in the country. The RNC has not made any “quantum leaps” in terms of funding or organization during Steele’s term.

The latest comes from Ben Smith at Politico

Large donors have already fled the Republican National Committee for, in particular, the Republican Governors Association.

But small donors, who don’t follow the inside baseball, are fueling the party’s fundraising.

If the money’s already coming to RGA from RNC, that’s likely a view that Haley’s influence is increasingly felt in the Party. He’s a natural choice if a vacancy occurs. As I stated in a previous post, Republicans are nothing if not nostalgic and they may look to draft Haley as RNC Chair to “recreate 1994 magic” should Michael Steele not make it long term as RNC Chair.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.