Gingrich: Democratic Leadership Most ‘Self-Centered’ in History
HANNITY: And we continue now with former speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich.
All right, Mr. Speaker, so I was there. I’m emceeing the event. 1994 is the year. I’m there the night you become speaker. I’m emceeing, I lose my voice. Pretty amazing lead-up. Every interview you did — as a matter of fact you did one for me, when I was guest hosting one of my first guest host experiencing on a cable network.
And you pull out your contract and you’d show it people. And you say, you give us 100 days, we’ll vote on all these items. Now nine of the 10 passed. The only one that didn’t pass was term limits.
What’s similarities do you see between now and then, if any?
GINGRICH: Well, you know, Haley Barbour — Governor Barbour who was the national chairman that year, has said he thinks that this is a bigger, stronger wave than we had in ’94. Charlie Cook has indicated recently — the observer who writes for National Journal — that he’s beginning to think this is a bigger wave than ’94.
If they are right, then the odds are very high that John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are going to lead the House and Senate respectively. And I think that that could well happen. I think the — I’ve never seen a team as absolutely totally deaf to the American people as the Obama, Pelosi, Reid team.
It’s almost as though — doesn’t matter what the polls say, doesn’t matter what the tea parties say, doesn’t matter what the town hall meetings say. They just don’t — doesn’t even matter that they lose Senator Kennedy’s seat in Massachusetts. They just don’t seem to get it.
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