Maj. in Miss. – The Interesting Lack of Response From Democrats
Most of the Clarion-Ledger’s stories regarding Haley Barbour FY 2011 budget outline have focused on reactions from people who stand to have an alma mater affected by mergers, and there reactions are predictable (and understandable). Most Americans suffer from NIMBY disease. Yes, they want the budget balanced and cuts made where need be- so long as it doesn’t affect them.
But I have seen little in the way of reaction from state Democrats. I quoted Rep. Kelvin Buck (D-Holly Springs), who is the chairman of the House Universities and Colleges Committee, with his reaction to consolidation plans. He was opposed on the grounds that you would be limiting educational opportunities. I’ve seen some other mild responses from Democrats who were certainly opposed to these ideas, but they haven’t been running around screaming like they were last summer.
Majority in Mississippi