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YP – Links on the Frank Melton...

YP – Links on the Frank Melton attempted decertification . . . from 4 years ago

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 18, 2009

Here are some links to YallPolitics (then JacksonsNextMayor’s coverage of the Frank Melton decertification attempt 4 years ago).

First, let me say that I was right . . . again. From 11 days ago

You mark my words . . . the long knives will come out in this galactic freakshow. 20 years of internal bad blood in the Hinds County Democratic Party is about to come pouring out.

Melton Response to Democratic Executive Committee Complaint – 4/4/5

Dems Challenge Melton’s Residency 4/5/5

Questions of Candidacy Spark Reaction – 4/5/5

Campaign Residency Dissent from Harvey Johnson ally – Judge Fred Banks – 4/6/5

In my view, the electoral process is not well served by the erection of barriers to a candidacy that have no relevance to the issue at hand which is the expression of the will of the majority of the electoral unit with respect to its representatives. I would not have regarded the filing of the homestead exemption application as dispositive of the issue of residency for electoral purposes as this Court did in Gadd.

AG: Melton OK to stay on mayoral Dem ballot – 4/14/5

“We are of the opinion that a municipal party executive committee may not hear or act on a petition challenging a candidate’s qualifications that is filed after the statutory deadline of 10 days after the qualifying deadline,” Phil Carter, special assistant attorney general, wrote.

IF the qualifying deadline was on March 6, a March 17 challenge may not be lawful according to the AG’s opinion 4 years ago. My sense is that most on the Hinds County Democratic Executive Committee could care less.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.