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Big Dance is not fun for some

Big Dance is not fun for some

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 17, 2009

Big Dance is not fun for some

Contrary to popular opinion, this is the worst week of the year in sports.
Oh, I know you’ll hear the talking heads rant about the opening rounds of the NCAA tournament being Christmas, New Year’s Eve and Mardi Gras all wrapped into one. People call in sick from work and meet their buddies at sports bars. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Been there, done that.

So why is it this the worst week of the year?
Because of bracketmania, that’s why.
I know many people are out of work and suffering. As a result, the office pool for those few who still have an office to go to every day is perhaps more important than ever. A break from the bad news.
However, and I hate to be the one who has to tell you, I don’t care if your bracket gets busted and neither does anyone else.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.