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Miss. lawmakers split on speech

Miss. lawmakers split on speech

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 25, 2009

The Clarion-Ledger, 2/25/9

President Barack Obama’s first speech to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night drew mixed reactions from Mississippi’s lawmakers.

“I’m afraid that a lot of the spending programs the president is proposing – and it’s been a spending spree – will require higher taxes on small businesses.”

– Republican Sen. Roger Wicker

“While I am pleased that the president has put a balanced budget at the forefront of his economic agenda, it will be the duty of Congress to hold him to this pledge.”

– Democratic 1st District Rep. Travis Childers

“It was a good speech – straightforward, laid out all the challenges we face as a country and offered some solutions.”

– Democratic 2nd District Rep. Bennie Thompson

“Obama has a goal of reducing the deficit, but it doesn’t seem to me we’ve gotten off to a good start with the spending in the stimulus and the (bank bailout) funds.”

– Republican 3rd District Rep. Gregg Harper

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Magnolia Tribune

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