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YP – Metro One strikes again...

YP – Metro One strikes again catching urban terrorists impersonating and then evading police

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 9, 2009

The Clarion Ledger covered yet another Metro One success story today.

This time, the urban terrorists were tooling around with cop paraphernalia robbing people in a stolen car. One of them was even wearing a tracking anklet . . . that’s doin’ it straight up thug-style. From the article . . .

Precinct Five officers spotted the men in the car in the area of I-55 South and Daniel Lake Boulevard shortly after 10:00 p.m. last night, according to a police department news release.

When officers attempted to stop the car, the suspects bailed out at McDowell Road and Kimbrough leading officers on a foot chase, according to the release.

The law enforcement helicopter Metro-One assisted in locating the suspects after a lengthy search.

Salento Sumrall Jr., 17, and 18-year-old Robbie Goodson were arrested and each have been charged with two counts of carjacking and impersonating a law enforcement officer. Additional charges could be filed as an investigation continues.

Sumrall was wearing a monitoring device on his ankle at the time of his arrest, according to the news release.

Police found a flashlight with a strobe light feature mounted on the dash board of the car the two were seen driving. Police also found keys belonging to another car reported stolen, according to the release.

A flashlight with a strobe light feature similar to the one used by the suspects can be purchased at most local auto parts or hardware stores.

They are being held without bond at the Hinds County Detention Center.

Remember, the moonbats dubbed Metro One “spycopter” and had all sorts of dire predictions about civil liberty violations.

I guess we all know about their prognostocations and how that worked out. Thank goodness they say they’re for the city of Jackson. Otherwise, it’d be impossible to tell.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.