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OU merits mention in discussion of...

OU merits mention in discussion of college football’s best

By: Magnolia Tribune - November 23, 2008

OU merits mention in discussion of college football’s best

NORMAN — The Sooners started jumping early. Jumping, jumping, jumping, like the sidelines were spring loaded. Jumping like kids turned loose in a mattress factory.

Truth is, they’d been jumping for days.
“Last week,” said defensive tackle Gerald McCoy. “It started last week. We came to practice on fire. That’s when all the energy started.”
Then Bob Stoops lit the match with a do-better talk to fans, who boiled the old stadium with a rowdiness unseen since that Nebraska epic eight years ago. Owen Field sizzled all night long, and that made the Sooners jump even more, and the pandemonium on the Oklahoma bench spilled over to the playing field.

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Magnolia Tribune

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