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Law enforcement leaders endorse Musgrove and Wicker

By: Magnolia Tribune - October 29, 2008

Law enforcement leaders endorse Musgrove and Wicker

Tuesday morning Musgrove held a press conference at the state capital to announce an endorsement by Hinds County Sheriff and Jackson Police Chief Malcolm McMillin.

Musgrove says he will fight for funding in Washington to give local law enforcement the tools to keep crime rates down.

Musgrove claims he reduced crime by 5% while governor.

His opponent, Roger Wicker, challenges that, saying Musgrove cut crime fighting spending, while governor.

Musgrove said, “I will work to make sure our law enforcement community get important federal funding in the U.S. Senate, programs to improve our officers must receive the pay and the benefits they deserve, as well as the resources they need.”

Ryan Annison from the Wicker for Senate campaign says, “Senator Wicker’s been endorsed by the head of the Sheriff’s Association, as well as many sheriffs around the state. He has always been a friend to law enforcement from his time in Congress. He’s helped get them lots of federal funding for state and local agencies so we can fight crime here in Mississippi.”

Musgrove has also been endorsed by Forrest County Sheriff Billy McGee.


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Magnolia Tribune

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