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Musgrove: Earmarks lead to corruption

Musgrove: Earmarks lead to corruption

By: Magnolia Tribune - October 11, 2008

The Hattiesburg American, 10/9/8

Former Democratic governor Ronnie Musgrove said earmarks are the gateway to corruption.

And should he win retired Sen. Trent Lott’s seat in the U.S. Senate in November, he plans to fight day and night for legitimate projects only.

“In the corrupt pay-to-play system in Washington, every earmark has a lobbyist,” Musgrove told the Hattiesburg American editorial board on Thursday.

Cutting federal earmarks is one way Congress can reduce spending in these tough economic times, he said.

Musgrove said Mississippians’ tax dollars shouldn’t be paying for pet projects that seldom add any economic growth to the country.

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Magnolia Tribune

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