Gallo Notes
First for putting or even allowing the insertion of ACORN into the Taxpayers’ Bailout Bill. It has since been (at least for now) removed.
This outrageous travesty included a reported $100 million more in funding for a Democrat Party mouthpiece with a trail of alleged violations longer than Barack’s BS talents. Even the inclusion of ACORN on early drafts speaks volumes about trusting Paulson, Reid, Pelosi or anyone connected with putting this socialized bailout packaged together. There were reports over the weekend that the original proposal in the $700 BILLION DOLLAR bailout would go to Barack’s supporters at ACORN. Gov. Barbour told me during the interview at Ole Miss that the figure of 20% was being reported in early drafts!
These are the same people who spend more time in prison than some murderers in their commitment to register additional democrats. On one local report last week, an ACORN member stated, “We believe that a person who has paid his dues to society should be allowed to vote.” Wait a minute! If you’re so much of a presence at a penal farm than it’s hard to tell the guards from the ACORN nuts, you have to understand, he AIN’T PAID HIS DUES YET!
I’ll be honest with you; I’m a bit disillusioned in respect to all those alleged “fence sitters” out there. How much more do you need to know? On the Democrat’s side are community organizers like ACORN and the ACLU? In the fight for Conservative principles includes your local church and the NRA!
God Bless America.
PS. Monday on Gallo, open lines on ACORN, Trent Lott and a couple of Republicans for Obama for a listing of stations