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YP – Former and Current MS...

YP – Former and Current MS Attorney General comments are questionable

By: Magnolia Tribune - June 28, 2008

While it’s understandable that Mr. Scruggs, the person, was a friend and colleague of theirs and they do not necessarily have to rejoice in his sentencing, Attorney General Jim Hood and former Attorney General Mike Moore’s public comments belittling the judicial system when it works against someone they know personally are beset with the type of lack of objectivity that the Office of Attorney General would seem to need. More measured comments would have better served the both of them.

Mr. Hood states, “It’s a sad day for the judicial system of our state.” No, the sad day occurred when it was known that bribery was happening. The judicial system making amends for that, can not be seen as a sad day.

Mr. Moore states, “This is tragedy after tragedy after tragedy. Unfortunately, there’s nothing good that comes of this.” Is this how he felt when he prosecuted criminals as the AG? The “good” is a healing of sorts of the judicial process and a cleansing of someone whom has possible “bodies” spread among different cases. What are the multiple tragedies that Mr. Moore is implying? The 3 defendants getting their sentencing for their roles in this judicial bribery? Them getting caught? Or is it that this is just the first tragedy of a string of “bodies” that are about to be unearthed and it’s not going to be “good” for several others when that occurs?

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Magnolia Tribune

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June 28, 2008

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