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Can Dickie Scruggs and Paul Minor bunk...

Can Dickie Scruggs and Paul Minor bunk together in Pensacola? Maybe not.

By: Magnolia Tribune - June 27, 2008

One of YP’s regular bloggers, Jane, had this to say.

I found this in a cert petition:

“As the district court explained, Bureau of Prisons policy also provides that government witnesses and the individuals against whom they have testified should not be incarcerated in the same institution (Pet. App. B3 n.2; see also 28 C.F.R. 524.72(h)); the reason for the policy is the “serious and constant risk that prisoners will attempt to retaliate against government witnesses or coerce them into falsely recanting their trial testimony””

I think that the BOP decides where the inmate is to be imprisoned and that Biggers said he would recommend Pensacola. But, again, I’m not an expert in this area.

With Paul Minor appealing his conviction and their past financial associations through ICEPAC, I doubt I’d put them in the same cell together.

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