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Gallo Notes: Rumors and Ramblings

Gallo Notes: Rumors and Ramblings

By: Magnolia Tribune - May 24, 2008

Gallo Notes-May 23rd, 2008

Remember when we were talking about the rumors of Billy McCoy stepping down right before the election? Of course it not only didn’t happen, he won both his House seat and Speaker race. The reason I mention that is because the statute that permits a qualified withdrawal is specific to a limited number of reasons such as moving from the district, health, etc. Those guidelines are front and center once again as rumors swirled this week on two fronts. First that Greg Davis would step away from the Congressional District One race. Second that Ronnie Shows was being encouraged to find a way to get into the Congressional District Three race.

I talked with Mississippi Republican Party Executive Director-Elect Brad White in reference to the Davis-Childers Race in November. Brad had not heard the rumors and was quite adamant that the November election would be a totally different race. Others also have stated that Davis has plenty of time to make some needed course corrections and the outcome in November may be totally different. So rumors aside, if you’re going to join a team, it’s a pretty good bet that the names of the players are already on the card.

In the Third Congressional District between Gregg Harper (R) from Pearl and Joel Gill (D) for Pickens, I asked former Congressman Ronnie Shows about those rumors. Shows told me that he had been approached by several people to consider the possibility. Shows also added that he’s making too much money as a consultant. He also state that he liked Joel Gill and thinks he has a very good chance to win. So much for Rumors.

See you Monday Morning for a Special Memorial Day Show-6am to 9am.

Paul Gallo
Supertalk Network

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