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David Landrum Endorses Gregg Harper for...

David Landrum Endorses Gregg Harper for MS-3rd

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 21, 2008

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Over the past 5 months, I have campaigned throughout the entire 3rd Congressional District and spent time with some wonderful people. I have also had the opportunity to campaign with all the candidates who initially ran in the Republican Primary.

Throughout the Primary, I have had the opportunity to see firsthand the character and motivation of each candidate. Now that we did not make it to the runoff, I believe I should let you know what I have seen on the campaign trail.

Throughout the debates, forums, and joint appearances, one of my opponents stood out of the crowd. This candidate has the convictions, passion, and the heart to serve the people of the 3rd District, which I think is vital for our next Congressman. This candidate has run a clean campaign and has refused to participate in the typical mudslinging or personal attacks used by other campaigns – either through television commercials or through word of mouth. I respect this candidate as a man of faith with a servant’s heart.

That is why, in the Republican Runoff on April 1st, I am going to be supporting Gregg Harper for Congress and I humbly ask for your consideration to do the same. I have talked with Gregg about the issues that matter to me, and I feel confident he will address these issues as our next Congressman.

If you would like to help Gregg by volunteering for his campaign, donating to his campaign, or if you would just like more information, you can visit his website at or you can call his office at (601) 420.2211.

Again, thank you for your support during our campaign.


David Landrum

David Landrum Campaign Release

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