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CL EDITORIAL – Election...

CL EDITORIAL – Election ’08: Obama, McCain best

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 10, 2008

Election ’08: Obama, McCain best

Sen. Obama is the best choice. He provides a broad vision that motivates not only minorities, but old and new Democrats of all stripes. He also is popular with independents and young, unaffiliated voters – giving Democrats their best shot for the White House.

Clinton is highly qualified and has a solid record. But America needs a president who can motivate and inspire a nation which now is divided and demoralized by a sagging economy and foundering foreign policy.

U.S. Sen. John McCain, the presumptive GOP nominee, is highly qualified with his military experience and knowledge of foreign affairs. Despite the clamor from some on the right, the Republican from Arizona has long-established conservative roots. His steadfast approach toward America’s commitment in Iraq resonates with many. He has a progressive record on campaign finance and is an independent voice.

Clarion Ledger Editorial

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Magnolia Tribune

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