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DJ – Scruggs-Backstrom update:...

DJ – Scruggs-Backstrom update: Defense gets most of what it asks for juror questionnaire

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 28, 2008

Scruggs-Backstrom update: Defense gets most of what it asks for juror questionnaire

Potential jurors in the Scruggs-Backstrom judicial bribery case will receive a questionnaire amended with some questions proposed by defense attorneys, a late Wednesday ruling shows.

However, Senior Judge Neal Biggers Jr. ruled he will not allow some questions which “can be best brought out” when each side queries the jury pool in court:

• No questions like: What opinion, if any, does a juror have concerning the guilty of the defendants?

• No questions “too personal and might cause some chilling effect” on the jurors.

NE MS Daily Journal

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