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Three On Your Side Investigates: FBI-A.G.’s Office Backed Off State Farm Investigation

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 27, 2008

Three On Your Side Investigates: FBI-A.G.’s Office Backed Off State Farm Investigation

Attorney General Jim Hood e-mailed this response to WLBT News late Tuesday. “The decision on whether to indict State Farm Insurance Company was based solely on the advice of senior prosecutors in our office. Several days before the January 23, 2007, settlement with State Farm, after our prosecutors heard three days of testimony before a Jackson County grand jury, the majority of the prosecutors working on this case determined with a high level of certainty that no fact pattern existed that fell squarely within the insurance fraud statute. I made my decision that there was insufficient evidence to uphold a conviction of State Farm on evidence we had at the time, based upon the advice of a career prosecutor who started in this office in the early 1970’s. I am too hardheaded to be influenced by outside forces – I do what I think is right for the working people of Mississippi.”


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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.