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Herring to Gene Taylor and Bennie...

Herring to Gene Taylor and Bennie Thompson – “Stop playing games with national security”

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 16, 2008

One day remains until core intelligence authorities under the Protect America Act (PAA) expire, yet Democrats in Congress have dodged the issue, refusing to address a permanent update to this critical piece of legislation.

Mississippi Republican Party Chairman Jim Herring released the following statement, urging Mississippi’s Congressional Democrats to extend the PAA indefinitely, which will keep serious gaps in America’s intelligence collection capabilities closed.

“Congressman Taylor and Thompson are reckless and irresponsible to play politics with our nation’s safety and security. The U.S. Senate passed a widely bipartisan bill to equip our intelligence officials with the tools they need to combat terrorism, but House Democrats instead chose to do what they do best, play politics.” Herring said.

“Every day the Democrats in the House continue this partisan showboating is another day our families are more vulnerable to real terrorist threats,” Herring continued.

House Republicans have acknowledged that even a temporary extension of the PAA would create unacceptable risks to our national security.

Herring concluded, “I am calling on the leaders in the House to do their part in keeping our country safe and pass a permanent fix to this critical program.”

MS GOP Press Release

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.