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YP FLASHBACK – Scruggs: These are...

YP FLASHBACK – Scruggs: These are not just legal wars. They are public relations and political wars.

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 13, 2008

Lawyer Like A Hurricane

Mr. Scruggs, 60, slim, often folksy and smooth as molasses in court, is using techniques that he honed in his earlier legal fights. He is arguing now, as he did before to such good effect, that he is fighting for the little guy who cannot stand up alone to big anonymous companies.

“These are not just legal wars,” Mr. Scruggs said in a recent interview. “They are public relations and political wars.”

The insurance companies counter that Mr. Scruggs has portrayed them unfairly and misleadingly.

“Mr. Scruggs has taken a tiny portion of the claims associated with Katrina and tried to paint the entire insurance industry with a brush of malfeasance,” said Robert P. Hartwig, president and chief economist of the Insurance Information Institute. “And that is an entirely incorrect characterization.”

New York Times

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.