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Just Released Filings Reveal Scruggs...

Just Released Filings Reveal Scruggs and Langston Appear to have Funneled $400k Through DAGA to Hood

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 10, 2008

Just Released Filings Reveal Scruggs and Langston Appear to have Funneled $400k Through DAGA to Hood’s Campaign

MFEP’s review of 2007 DAGA disclosure forms, which were recently made available on the Internal Revenue Service’s web site, revealed Joey Langston, who recently pleaded guilty to attempting to bribe a judge, gave $100,000 to DAGA. Dickie Scruggs, who recently was indicted on federal bribery charges, gave $100,000 to DAGA as well as a second contribution of $200,000. After these contributions were made, DAGA gave $150,000 and $250,000 to the Hood campaign. Law firms that received state legal contracts from Attorney General Hood’s office also contributed over $220,000 to DAGA.

As past reports have shown, these DAGA contributions could be an attempt to obscure the sources of the contributions. For example, on October 15, 2003, trial lawyers Joey Langston and David Nutt gave $100,000 and $50,000, respectively, to DAGA. The next day, DAGA gave $150,000 to the Hood campaign. Langston, Hood’s largest campaign contributor at the time, was hired by Hood to represent the state in the WorldCom case—and split $14 million dollars in fees.

“It is unsettling that Hood has accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from a source that was not required to disclose its contributors until after the election,” Taylor said. “This is yet another example of why we need ‘sunshine’ legislation for the Attorney General’s office.”


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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.
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