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Government says it has more evidence to...

Government says it has more evidence to use in Scruggs trial

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 30, 2008

Government says it has more evidence to use in Scruggs trial

As expected, the federal government is planning on introducing evidence it apparently gathered from the guilty plea of attorney Joey Langston in the judicial bribery trial of prominent trial lawyer Richard “Dickie” Scruggs.

Scruggs is alleged to have attempted a bribe of a state judge in a dispute over Hurricane Katrina-related attorneys fees. Langston represented Scruggs in a similar dispute over asbestos fees and recently pleaded guilty to attempting to bribe a state judge in that case.

“Please take notice that the United States will seek to introduce similar acts evidence pursuant to Rule 404(b), Fed. R. Evid., at the trial of the above-captioned case (U.S. v. Scruggs, et al.),” says a notice filed Tuesday by U.S. Attorney Jim Greenlee.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.