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SH – Attorney says Scruggs had no...

SH – Attorney says Scruggs had no knowledge of Balducci’s attempted bribe; trial delayed

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 17, 2008

Attorney says Scruggs had no knowledge of Balducci’s attempted bribe; trial delayed

Attorney John Keker said during a procedural hearing that FBI investigators offered “very misleading” evdience so a judge would agree to continue wiretaps into its investigation of his client. Keker also asked for FBI notes on the wiretaps to further that argument. Scruggs and two other defendants are going to ask that the tapes not be used at trial.

A September 2007 tape recording indicates Lackey was trying to lead Balducci to say that Scruggs was aware of the bribe and that Scruggs put the money up for the bribe. Balducci said in the recording that Scruggs did not know about the bribe.

On Sept. 27, Balducci paid Lackey $27,000 of the $40,000 bribe. When Lackey mentioned Scruggs, Keker said Balducci responded, “… the way this will work is, I’ll just go to him at some point and say, ‘I’ve cured a problem that you had and you need to recognize the problem I’ve cured for you; that’s how it works… . He is not involved in a direct manner, doesn’t want to be, doesn’t need to be.”

Judge Neal Biggers Jr. denied the request, saying the defense has the tape recordings and does not need the notes.

Sun Herald

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Magnolia Tribune

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