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FOLO – September 27th: What the...

FOLO – September 27th: What the defense will say about Balducci and Lackey, Part 4 (by NMC)

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 17, 2008

September 27th: What the defense will say about Balducci and Lackey, Part 4 (by NMC)

Later in the conversation Judge Lackey mentioned “Mr. Scruggs or Dickie or Dick whoever or whatever I should call him,” and, the motion says, Balducci responds “he is not even involved at that level, Judge… frankly he doesn’t even… like I said, the way this will work is I’ll just go to him at some point and say I have cured a problem that you had, and you need to recognize the problem that I have cured for you; that’s how it works…. He is not involved in a direct manner, doesn’t want to be doesn’t need to be… You take comfort in knowing this is between me and you; this doesn’t go any further than right here… “


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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.