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Lott didn’t wait long to get into...

Lott didn’t wait long to get into the lobbying business

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 14, 2008

The Clarion-Ledger, 1/14/8

So, Trent Lott waited all of three weeks to come clean with the truth about his resignation from the U.S. Senate.

Is there anyone out there who holds the belief that the former Sen. Lott will follow the rules requiring him to wait a full year to lobby his buddies for big bucks?

News flash! This just in: The firm – according to The Clarion-Ledger Opinion section (“Lott lobbying: Should have told folks the truth,” Jan. 10 editorial) – is open in Washington, D.C., now.

He’s in the wrong business. It should be Lott & Breaux’s Used Car Emporium. At least a customer could get something concrete for his money.

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Magnolia Tribune

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January 14, 2008

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