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Giuliani floats tax-cut plan;...

Giuliani floats tax-cut plan; Richardson exits

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 11, 2008

Market Watch, 1/10/8

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani floated a new plan to cut taxes while Bill Richardson was reportedly set to give up his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination Thursday, as White House hopefuls sped toward the next primary-election contests.

Speaking in Melbourne, Fla. on Wednesday, Republican contender Giuliani outlined a multi-part plan that includes cutting the corporate tax rate to 25% from 35%, cutting capital gains taxes to 10% from 15% and giving Americans the option of filing out their taxes on a one-page document.

Florida, which holds its presidential primary Jan. 29, is a key state for Giuliani. The ex-mayor largely skipped the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary to concentrate on Florida, a key swing state that’s home to large numbers of former New Yorkers. Florida’s primary precedes New York’s by a week — the Empire State votes on Super Tuesday along with 20 other states.

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