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Wicker Fires Back at Musgrove

Wicker Fires Back at Musgrove

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 10, 2008

WLBT, 1/9/8

Newly-appointed senator Roger Wicker fired back at Democratic opponent and longtime friend Ronnie Musgrove Wednesday night.

Wicker, a Republican, was appointed by Governor Haley Barbour to fill the Senate seat vacated by Trent Lott’s retirement. The former 1st-District congressman has launched a statewide bus tour kicking off his campaign to keep the Senate seat.

On Monday, Musgrove launched his own bid for Lott’s seat and attacked Wicker’s voting record in Congress.

“I just wish it wouldn’t get negative so early,” Wicker said Wednesday in response. “I was a little surprised that Ronnie Musgrove became so bitter and shrill right out of the chute. Sometimes campaigns sort of cycle into negative commercials, but it was a surprise to me that it happened so quickly.”

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