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Bryant-Langston tiff likely to land in...

Bryant-Langston tiff likely to land in court

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 24, 2007

The Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal Editorial, 9/24/7

State Auditor Phil Bryant won’t say what the next step will be in his efforts to get Booneville attorney Joey Langston and other lawyers to relinquish fees they received in securing a $110 million settlement against MCI/WorldCom, but the issue is expected to end up in court.

Syndicated columnist Sid Salter reported in his column Sunday that Bryant had written a “letter of demand” last year to Langston, saying that under state law, the $14 million for the attorneys’ fees in the case should have been authorized by the Legislature.

“These funds should be returned to the general fund of the Mississippi Legislature for proper appropriation,” Bryant, the Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, wrote to Langston in November.
Apparently, nothing else has occurred on the matter since November, except for another letter from the auditor’s office to Langston.

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