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Mississippi AG Hood calls Dickie...

Mississippi AG Hood calls Dickie Scruggs a ‘confidential informant,’ says he shouldn’t be prosecuted

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 30, 2007

Insurance Coverage Blog, 8/29/7

According to Mississippi AG Jim Hood, allegations that attorney Dickie Scruggs engaged in criminal contempt by willfully violating a federal judge’s injunction are all wet. Scruggs, Hood said in a July letter to U.S. Attorney Alice Martin, should be left alone because he is a crime buster and a “confidential informant.” I am not making this up. New slogan for the Scruggs defense team in the criminal contempt case: “Mr. Scruggs does not commit crimes, he fights them.”

This information is contained in a letter Scruggs filed as an an exhibit to supplemental briefing yesterday in the McIntosh v. State Farm Katrina case, where State Farm is seeking to have Scruggs disqualified based on his alleged violation of the injunction and for other reasons having to do with his purported conflicts of interest stemming from his representation of the “whistleblower” Rigsby sisters. The letter, a pdf of which can be seen here, sounds like a proposal to Marvel for a new superhero comic book: Hood and Scruggs, The Legal Avengers.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.