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Stumping for votes

Stumping for votes

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 26, 2007

The Meridian Star, 7/26/7

A trio of candidates vying for the post of lieutenant governor of Mississippi took the podium Wednesday at the Neshoba County Fair.

Depending on one’s political allegiance, the exercise could have been viewed as a debate between three men hoping to help lead this state forward, or, an episode of the Three Stooges. But no matter how captive the audience was or wasn’t, Jamie R. Franks Jr., the Democratic candidate, and Charlie Ross and Phil Bryant, both Republicans who will face off in the Aug. 7 primary, were intent on improving their chances of winning the general election on Nov. 6.

“I am the hardest working person,” said Franks. “I fought for bans on abortion, same sex marriages, homosexual adoptions and for a marriage to be between a man and a woman.”

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.