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Taggart – Leslie Southwick, the...

Taggart – Leslie Southwick, the NYT, and George Orwell

By: Magnolia Tribune - June 6, 2007

Leslie Southwick, the NYT, and George Orwell

Taggart memo to Times editors: Whatever it was the voters were doing last November, they manifestly were not saying to the Senate that, after he had survived a year in a combat zone, Judge Southwick should be subject to serial, nationwide attacks on his character and sent packing.
The fact is, if the voters knew Leslie Southwick, then liberals and conservatives of good-will and fair-mind all over the country would be clamoring for his confirmation, just as liberals and conservatives are in Mississippi.
And if the editors at the NYT knew Leslie Southwick, they would be unable to sleep tonight, knowing that they have led yet another chorus of Orwell’s “Two Minutes Hate”, and have proven yet again Orwell’s thesis that it is worth pouring out one’s life’s energies fighting that kind of hate.
Fight on, Judge. May God be your Protector and Honor your watchword

Andy Taggart
Clarion Ledger

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.
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