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Charlie Ross to Kick Off Campaign in...

Charlie Ross to Kick Off Campaign in Jackson

By: Magnolia Tribune - April 3, 2007

Charlie Ross to Kick Off Campaign in Jackson

State Senator Charlie Ross will kick off his campaign for Lieutenant Governor in his hometown of Brandon at the Rankin County Courthouse on Wednesday, April 4 at 3 pm.

Ross’s appearance at the Rankin County Courthouse is part of the first day of his statewide campaign kick-off tour – a trip that will take him on 13 stops to every region of Mississippi in the coming days. Ross, who leads all candidates for Lieutenant Governor in fundraising, will be greeted by supporters at the courthouse and will make brief remarks.

Ross (R-Brandon) has represented parts of Madison and Rankin County for a decade and has earned a reputation as a conservative leader who gets results. During his tenure in the senate, Ross has been a decisive leader on the toughest issues – authoring and passing Mississippi’s comprehensive Tort Reform Act, Jessica’s Law, the Castle Doctrine Law, and Megan’s Law. Ross has been a consistent and effective advocate for balanced budgets, against tax increases, and in support of bold steps to aid the Gulf Coast’s economic recovery after Katrina.

“With strong conservative leadership, Mississippi can move forward and reach its full potential,” Ross said. “At a time when our state faces unprecedented challenges, we have to choose leaders who will stand on principle, even when the going gets tough.”

Charlie Ross Campaign

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.