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Jim Hood Played Like a Fiddle

Jim Hood Played Like a Fiddle

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 15, 2007

So now State Farm drops the bomb of no new coverage in Missisippi. This is just after our “tough as nails DA turned AG” Jim Hood released (with prejudice) the criminal compliant against State Farm.

This was not long after the AG attempted to settle with State Farm and skim $5 million off the top for his office (page 5).

I’d say State Farm and its lawyers played Hood like a fiddle. For paying Hood his 30 pieces of silver, State Farm gets to quantify their liability, they don’t have to write anymore coverage and they get out of criminal liability. And now, predictably, State Farm will leave a huge gaping hole in our insurance coverage statewide and drive insurance rates through the roof (assuming, of course that you can find coverage).

Thank you so much, Jim Hood. Thanks for nothing.

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Magnolia Tribune

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