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Athlete at bottom of NCAA priorities

Athlete at bottom of NCAA priorities

By: Magnolia Tribune - May 10, 2010

Athlete at bottom of NCAA priorities

College athletics claims to be about the best interests of the student-athlete, yet so often it cares little about the best interests of the student-athlete.
Cases in point, two current issues both involving college basketball. One is the NCAA’s new deadline for undergraduates removing their names from the NBA Draft. The other is the continuing hypocrisy concerning transfer policies for athletes.
In past years, undergrads declaring for the draft had until June 15 to make an informed decision about their futures, whether to remain in the draft or return to school. Coaches were more concerned with their own futures, however, and the NCAA moved the deadline up to May 8 (Saturday). That way they could make adjustments during the spring signing period.

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.