Barbour today vetoed a portion of
Senate Bill 3135
Jackson, Mississippi – Governor Haley Barbour today vetoed a portion of
Senate Bill 3135 that would have limited the ability of the Public Safety
Commissioner to effectively manage the agency’s budget during this tough
economic cycle.
Governor Barbour’s veto removed a mandate requiring the Department of Public
Safety to pay 11 hours of compensatory time to sworn officers with the rank
of lieutenant and above. The veto will not halt plans for officers to
receive this pay in Fiscal Year 2011.
“Mandating additional payments, without providing additional general funds,
unfairly ties the Commissioner’s hands, and is contrary to good budgetary
practice,” Governor Barbour said. “During a time of severely declining
revenue, agency heads need the flexibility to spend their limited funds as
they believe necessary to carry out the mission of their agencies.”
By requiring the compensatory payment, the Public Safety Commissioner would
have few options if budget woes continue and spending cuts are needed in FY
2011. The mandate would likely result in program cuts or furloughs for the
department if state revenues continue to fall short of expectations.