WLOX – Cindy Hyde-Smith says she is ready for the U.S. Senate
Mississippi will soon have its first ever female member of congress.
Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith was appointed to the the U.S. senate by governor Phil Bryant in her hometown of Brookhaven. A crowd of 200 was on hand to hear the governor praise the current Mississippi commissioner of Agriculture.
“I know the soul of this woman. I have seen her. I understand the honesty and integrity that she exhibits,” said Phil Bryant.
We made history today. Our new United States Senator will be sworn in by the @VP in April. So proud to be with my friend Cindy Hyde-Smith in Brookhaven. pic.twitter.com/X3D7KRv7pr
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) March 21, 2018
POLITICO – White House opposed Republican picked to replace Cochran
White House officials this week told Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant that President Donald Trump did not plan to campaign for or endorse Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith if she was appointed to the state’s open Senate seat, saying they were worried that the former Democrat would lose.
Bryant responded that he intended to pick Hyde-Smith for the post, anyway. He went ahead and formally announced Hyde-Smith, who had previously been serving as the state agricultural commissioner, as his selection Wednesday, praising her “intellect, compassion, toughness and determination to get things done.”
Statement by Senator Chris McDaniel on the Appointment of Cindy Hyde-Smith
“Today, I was troubled to learn that Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant dutifully followed the orders of the Washington establishment’s Mitch McConnell by appointing Cindy Hyde-Smith to fill the temporary vacancy created by Senator Thad Cochran’s retirement.
Before Commissioner Hyde-Smith was elected to lead the department of Agriculture, her only legislative experience was that of a Democrat. She ran as a Democrat. She served as a Democrat. She voted like a Democrat. Although her reputation in Jackson was that of a moderate Democrat, the last thing the state of Mississippi needs in Washington is another moderate Democrat.
Knowing the establishment’s opposition to conservatives, it was not at all surprising that they would choose a former Democrat. Nevertheless, I am pleased that Mississippi voters will have a clear choice in November for the open seat for United States Senate. They can choose from among the Democratic candidates or they can vote for a lifelong conservative Republican…”
McDaniel Campaign sends Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump
“…Today, in Mississippi, Governor Phil Bryant intends to nominate Ag Commissioner Cindy Hyde-Smith.
We, the undersigned, oppose this nomination and urge you not to lend your endorsement to her campaign…”
Will Andy Taggart run for #MSSen?
Today was Senator-Designate Cindy Hyde-Smith’s day.
She is entitled to the honor that she enjoyed as the Governor’s appointee.
McDaniel is granted the mean comments that he made about her, unjustified and offensive as they were.
Tomorrow, we look to the future of our state.
— Andy Taggart (@Andy_Taggart) March 22, 2018
WDAM – Sen. Cochran endorses omnibus appropriations bill
WASHINGTON, DC – Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Thad Chochran, R-Miss., endorsed omnibus appropriation legislation that would provide funding increases for the military and investments in infrastructure, border security and the opioid epidemic.
The bill includes all 12 appropriation bills for fiscal year 2018 and is the result of negotiations from Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate, as well as input from President Donald Trump’s administration, according to Cochran’s office.
“Extensive negotiations and hard work went into producing this legislation, which will provide robust new funding to begin rebuilding our military. It also directs new funding to some of the most critical challenges facing our nation, including faltering infrastructure and the opioid crisis,” Cochran said in the statement. “Passage of this legislation is necessary to move us past stop-gap measures and shutdown threats. It will provide stability and guidance for the entirety of the federal government.”
The measure sets funding caps for FY2018 and FY2019, and sets defensive spending levels at $700 billion and non-defensive spending at $591 billion.
Palazzo and Frelinghuysen Applaud Inclusion of National Security Cutters in Omnibus Package
Washington, DC – Congressman Steven Palazzo (MS-4) and Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations, Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (NJ-11) applauded the inclusion of two National Security Cutters in the FY18 Omnibus package that was released today.
“Congressman Palazzo should be commended for his hard work. Getting these National Security Cutters funded for the Coast Guard was no easy task. Make no mistake about it, his advocacy is a primary reason these ships were funded,” said Frelinghuysen. “In this and other key areas, Steve Palazzo is delivering for Mississippi and our nation. Although Mississippi is losing a great Senator, they should feel comfortable with the continued leadership of Congressman Palazzo.”
“I am very thankful for the inclusion of the two National Security Cutters in this omnibus package. The Coast Guard has made it very clear, they desperately need these ships to perform the mission they’ve been tasked with,” Palazzo said. “Not only are these ships paying for themselves in the amount of drugs they interdict annually from the high seas, but they are keeping our Coast Guard safe and secure as they enter dangerous environments to protect our American homeland. I understand there is no more important mission than ensuring our service members come home safely from their missions. I am thankful Chairman Frelinghuysen shares my commitment to the national security of our nation.”
The newly released omnibus bill contains 1.24 billion dollars for the National Security Cutter (NSC) Program, including a restoration of previously rescinded funds and additional funds for the completion of a 10th and 11th NSC. This Coast Guard ship class has been built exclusively at Ingalls shipbuilding in Pacagoula. Congressman Palazzo has served as the Vice-Chair of the Homeland Security Subcommittee since January 2017.
WLBT – Changes on University of Mississippi Medical Center’s Campus
WJTV – Hood, other attorneys general warn Congress against changing data breach notifications
Attorney General Jim Hood is warning Congress against changing date breach notifications.
He along with 31 other attorneys general sent a letter Monday about their opposition to a pending bill.
It would decrease and delay when a breached entity should notify consumers of that breach and that their personal information has been compromised.
State Auditor Stacey Pickering and Performance Audit Division Issue $92 Million Demand against Failed “Green Project” Stion Corporation
JACKSON, Miss. – Today, State Auditor Stacey Pickering and the Performance Audit Division of the Mississippi Office of the State Auditor (OSA) issued the largest ever demand issued by OSA against Stion Corporation in the amount of $92,943,780.86.
Stion Corporation, which manufactured solar panels, operated under multiple business names during its business with Mississippi Development Authority (MDA) and originally signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with MDA in 2011. One of the business names appearing on MDA-approved loan documents included a business that was not registered with the Mississippi Secretary of State. Due to this fact, they should not have been authorized to conduct business within the State of Mississippi.
The $75 Million loan from MDA was originally contingent upon Stion Corporation making a $400 Million capital investment in the project before January 2017 and creating 1,000 jobs within six years of operation. The agreement was amended in 2015 to only require $250 Million of capital investment by January 2020 and the creation of 500 jobs by January 2023. As of October 2017, OSA determined that Stion Corporation had only hired 137 employees; capital investment information was not supplied to OSA upon request.
Additionally, as part of a local agreement between Stion Corporation and Hattiesburg; Forrest County; and the Forrest County Tax Assessor, the corporation was allowed to pay a fee to these entities in lieu of ad valorem property taxes. Stion Corporation also failed to properly pay this fee, resulting in over $2 Million being owed to Hattiesburg and Forrest County.