Who would you say are the most influential leaders in Mississippi? Plan to nominate them for the MS Top 50 Awards.
Mississippi is graced with tremendous talent in government, the political sphere, business, media and culture. The Mississippi Top 50 Awards were created to recognize those that help move the conversation in Mississippi forward by virtue of their position and/or their talent.
Those honored are judged to be the most influential leaders in the state at this time.
MS Top 50 is a bipartisan group that comes from the ranks of local, state and federal elected and appointed officials; political leaders; government affairs professionals; public policy advocates; economic development professionals; business leaders; media professionals and other leaders across Mississippi.
The 5th MS Top 50 Awards are being presented by Y’all Politics and WJTV. Event sponsors include: Capitol Resources, Kinetic Staffing, Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation, The Payne Group, and Tower Loan.
Nominations for the 5th Annual MS Top 50 open October 15, 2021 and runs through December 1, 2021.
The categories for consideration are:
• Elected/Appointed Government Officials
• Lobbying/Government Relations
• Business, Culture and Media
Honorees are nominated through an open process online. Prior winners are eligible for recognition nomination, and people can nominate themselves for consideration. There is no cost to nominate, be nominated or to receive an award. However, one must be nominated to be considered. To nominate, visit MSTop50.com.
Nominees will be notified of their nomination, and honorees will be notified of their selection by January 2022. Honorees will be announced on the MSTop50.com website prior to the February 2022 MS Top 50 event.
Additionally, two Mississippians are recognized annually for the MS Top 50 “Hall of Fame.” These are leaders who have made lasting contributions to the political, business and public policy landscape. Former “Hall of Fame” honorees included U.S. Senator Thad Cochran, Governor William Winter, Governor Phil Bryant, Speaker Pro Tempore Robert Clark, Governor Haley Barbour, State Representative Steve Holland, U.S. Senator Trent Lott, Judge Reuben Anderson, and Wirt Yerger.
The MS Top 50 awards ceremony is scheduled for February 2022. An announcement closer to that date with additional event information will be forthcoming.
Now is the time to consider who is the most influential people in Mississippi. Mark you calendars and plan to nominate those deserving individuals when the nomination period opens October 15th.
Those businesses or organizations wishing to sponsor the event should contact Frank Corder at frank@yall.rndr.tech.